About Encode
Encode Ideas is focused on producing differentiated research insights and ideas on publicly traded life science companies through in-depth due diligence.
We find that many of the best risk-reward investment opportunities exist in the often challenging and unpredictable micro and small-cap life science sectors. We try to uncover overlooked opportunities; companies that are mispriced and/or misunderstood, and present them to our subscribers. We have deep relationships with professional investors, dedicated life science portfolio managers, and the sell side, which we leverage to identify potential investment ideas.
With a focus on micro and small-cap companies, we are inherently discussing risky names. We will make bold calls, and we understand that we will not always be correct. However, we are committed to owning both our successes and our failures Please read our full disclaimer.
For ideas, follow-up, or to chat please do not hesitate to email us as ideas@encodelp.com